January 2017

Happy New Year!

I hope you and your children had a relaxing winter break and that you are enjoying a smooth transition back into your school routines.



I would like to congratulate Mr. Lemaire, Mrs. Swain and the entire cast and crew of A Christmas Carol on their spectacular performance. Bravo!

I would also like to recognize the wonderful job our 5th grade students did at our Winter Solstice assembly and thank Mrs. Keefe and Mr. Hourihan for leading their efforts.


Plug into Big Savings and Help Our School Win $1000!
RSVP NOW for the Cooler Concord Fair: www.coolerconcord.org
February 4, 2017, 10AM to 4PM at CCHS

 Our school will be able to win up to $1,000 if a significant number of parents attend and take action at the Cooler Concord Fair. The Fair will showcase simple and significant ways to save energy and money. Community experts and vendors will help you get stuff done quickly and easily. There will be 10 major exhibits as follows: home weatherization, high-efficiency home heating and cooling, hot water heating, LED lighting, solar power, transportation (including new electric cars), home appliances, sustainable yards, reduce/reuse and eat less meat. Workshops on specific topics will be held throughout the day.

And, this is a not-to-miss event for families! Students from all the schools are eager to show parents their own creative and compelling exhibits. Exciting kids’ activities are planned including crafts, races and hands-on projects. There will be many free prizes, including a weekend in lovely Stowe, Vermont, and delicious snacks. Students (middle school and up) and parents are needed to volunteer for short shifts. Send a note to jill.appel@comcast.net to join the action. Community service credit is definitely available.

The first 100 people who register have a chance to win a free dinner at a lovely Concord Restaurant! Stay informed at Facebook/Cooler Concord and invite your local friends! RSVP NOW at www.coolerconcord.org


Bundle Up:

We go outside each and every day, unless we have a frigid wind chill or it is raining.  On those cold winter days, the warmest part of the day is mid-day. Please send your child dressed to play outside.  If we have snow on the ground, your child will need to wear snow pants and boots to play in the snow.


Upcoming Events:

January 16th            Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day: NO SCHOOL

January 23rd            Hobby Fair Family Night, 6:30-7:30 (4th and 5th grade)

January 24th            School Committee Meeting, 6:30, Ripley

3 Superintendent Candidates Presented

January 25th            Public Interview of 1st Candidate, 6:30, Ripley

January 26th            Public Interview of 2nd Candidate, 6:30, Ripley

January 27th            Public Interview of 3rd Candidate, 6:30, Ripley

January 31st             School Committee Meeting, 6:30, Ripley

Public Deliberation of Candidates


Forgotten Lunches, Instruments, Homework, Books, Sneakers, Etc.:

In an effort to keep interruptions to learning to a minimum, we seek your support in reducing the number of students who need to leave class to call home to request that items be brought to school. Please help students learn to be responsible (especially in our upper grades) by reminding them to check to be sure they leave home with any necessary items. If it is absolutely necessary to drop something off, please leave it in the main office.


Changes to Dismissal Plans:

Please send in a note to your child’s teacher if you need to change his/her dismissal plans for that day. If possible, all play dates should be arranged prior to your child’s arrival at school. If you need to change your child’s dismissal plan unexpectedly, please notify the office by 2:30 PM. Thank you for your assistance with this matter.



Dismissal/Arrival Parking:

During arrival, please reserve the van accessible spaces for vehicles with handicapped placards. During dismissal, please be sure not to block the crosswalk or fire lanes. Because the back parking lot is reserved for faculty, parents are encouraged to park along both sides of West Street and on the right side of Pleasant Street or Chase Road. If it’s not raining or snowing, parents picking up their students should meet them behind the building near the basketball court. In the case of inclement weather, pick up is in the cafeteria.

Thank you!