March 2019

I hope you had an enjoyable February Break!

YouTubeKids/YouTube/Whatsapp Alert and Tips:
While online fads are nothing new, we have become aware of a recent viral phenomenon that is gaining attention from students and wanted to provide you with information you might find helpful should the topic arise. It has been alleged that videos on YouTubeKids, YouTube and Whatsapp have been hacked and that disturbing images and content are interrupting videos. While it is similar in nature to many other online sensations, this particular fad has sparked conversations among children about engaging in risky behavior and hurting themselves. We wanted to share information about some of the latest “challenges” and provide you with a few resources for talking to your children about navigating the ever-changing digital world, social media, and digital citizenship.

1. Common Sense Media: Online Challenges:

2. Resources for teaching/raising digital natives

3. Promoting Mental Wellness: Tips for parents

4. MGH Clay Center for Young Healthy Minds


Presentation for 4th and 5th Grade Families:
On March 6th, at 7:00 PM, CMS is inviting current and future middle school families to learn about Concord Middle School’s reconfiguration. The event will offer an overview of the reconfiguration of Concord Middle School from two 6th, 7th, and 8th grade buildings to one all 6th grade building (Peabody) and one 7th and 8th grade building (Sanborn).

Part of this presentation will be how the district’s strategic plan and the Concord Middle School’s school improvement plan are informing a new configuration and new master schedule. The evening will focus a little more on Peabody and the entry point for all 5th graders into one building, with a focus on the middle school transition.

Absence Reporting:
Please report all absences/illnesses to the school office before the start of the school day via our new attendance form posted on our school website: The absence phone line is no longer in service.

Bundle Up:
We go outside each and every day, unless we have a frigid wind chill or it is raining. On those cold winter days, the warmest part of the day is mid-day. Please send your child dressed to play outside. If we have snow on the ground, your child will need to wear snow pants and boots to play in the snow.

Upcoming Events:
3/6 CMS Informational Night, 7:00 PM
3/15 PTG Meeting, 9:00 AM
3/16 Spelling Bee, 1:30 PM
3/30 Cake Walk, 1:00 PM

Forgotten Lunches, Instruments, Homework, Books, Sneakers, Etc.:
In an effort to keep interruptions to learning to a minimum, we seek your support in reducing the number of students who need to leave class to call home to request that items be brought to school. Please help students learn to be responsible (especially in our upper grades) by reminding them to check to be sure they leave home with any necessary items. If it is absolutely necessary to drop something off, please leave it in the main office.

Changes to Dismissal Plans:
Please send in a note to your child’s teacher if you need to change
his/her dismissal plans for that day. If possible, all play dates should be
arranged prior to your child’s arrival at school. If you need to change
your child’s dismissal plan unexpectedly, please notify the office by
2:30 PM. Thank you for your assistance with this matter.

Reminder Regarding Play dates and All Dismissal Changes:
To avoid confusion at dismissal, please make play dates the night before
and have your child come in with a note for the teacher. Please have the teacher’s name and date on the note, the name of the adult picking up,
as well as the friend’s full name. If you child is getting off at a different
stop (same bus only), make sure you also indicate the friend’s full name
on the note. Sending the teacher an email is not recommended for
teachers are not always able to check emails until after dismissal, or the
teacher may be absent. We appreciate your cooperation in our making
sure your child continues to be safe after dismissal.

Dismissal/Arrival Parking:
During arrival, please reserve the van accessible spaces for vehicles
with handicapped placards. During dismissal, please be sure not to
block the crosswalk or fire lanes. Because the back parking lot is
reserved for faculty, parents are encouraged to park along both sides of
West Street and on the right side of Pleasant Street or Chase Road. We
respectfully request that parents who bring their pets to school during
arrival or dismissal time keep them a safe distance from other students
and clear of our entrance. If it’s not raining or snowing, parents picking
up their students should meet them behind the building near the
basketball court. In the case of inclement weather, pick up is in the
cafeteria. Thank you!

From the Health Office:
Please be sure to report any injuries (especially if requiring a brace,
splint, cast or crutches) or any concussions need to be reported to the
Health Office by either calling 978-202-1258 or sending Nurse Mosher
an email at Nurse Mosher will work with
your child’s teacher and PE teacher to ensure their safety while at
school. Please submit a doctor’s note for any activity change or other
accommodations required. Thank you!

Delayed Openings:
In the event that we have a delayed opening all before school activities,
including the recreation department’s Before School Program, are