October 2019

Thank you to all parents/guardians who attended our Back to School Night.  I want to offer special appreciation to those volunteers who came out to support the PTG-sponsored sales of Thoreau gear, Directories and the SEPAC representatives, thank you!

Allergy-Aware Snack Policy:
Based on the feedback I have received from parents, our Leadership Team is conducting a review of our current snack/allergy management policy for classroom snacks.  We are aware that the policy needs to be changed but want to be thoughtful and careful in our interpretation of the district’s Student Allergy Policy that states, “Appropriate accommodations will be made in the classroom.”  Once we finalize the review, any changes will be communicated school-wide.  Thank you for your feedback and patience.  In the meantime, to clear up any confusion about which classrooms have nut allergies, please see below.

Peanut and Tree Nut Free Homerooms:  Apollos, Ellis, Keller, Jackson, Watson, Burns, Grove, Dillon, Hollander and Keefe
Peanut Free Homerooms:  Walsh, O’Connor, Martin and Hoyt
Tree Nut Free Homerooms:  McKenna and Fall

Monster Madness:
As a friendly reminder, we do not allow Halloween costumes at Thoreau and we do not celebrate with candy/treats. Instead, we will enjoy the annual Monster Madness play performed by our own 5th grade students!

Absence Reporting:
Please report all absences/illnesses to the school office before the start of the school day via our new attendance form posted on our school website: http://thoreau.concordps.org/report-attendance-form/

Aspen Parent Portal:
Parent portal accounts have been created for each Thoreau parent/guardian. Credential letters were sent out last spring to parents of current Thoreau students and late August to parents of students new Willard and the district. If a parent already had a portal account for an older child, the younger child was added to their account. If you do not remember your account credentials, please email parentportal@concordps.org for assistance. Once you have logged in, follow the instructions on the home page for completing the on-line student health information form.  Aspen URL: https://ma-concord.myfollett.com/aspen/logon.do

Visitor Sign In:
After being buzzed in, all visitors are reminded to sign in at the Main Office and receive a visitor’s pass.

Forgotten Lunches, Instruments, Homework, Books, Sneakers, Etc.:
In an effort to keep interruptions to learning to a minimum, we seek your support in reducing the number of students who need to leave class to call home to request that items be brought to school.  Please help students learn to be responsible (especially in our upper grades) by reminding them to check to be sure they leave home with any necessary items.  If it is absolutely necessary to drop something off, please leave it in the main office.

Changes to Dismissal Plans:
Please send in a note to your child’s teacher if you need to change his/her dismissal plans for that day. If possible, all play dates should be arranged prior to your child’s arrival at school. If you need to change your child’s dismissal plan unexpectedly, please notify the office by 2:30 PM.  Thank you for your assistance with this matter.

Dismissal/Arrival Parking:
During arrival, please reserve the van accessible spaces for vehicles with handicapped placards. During dismissal, please be sure not to block the crosswalk or fire lanes. Because the back parking lot is reserved for faculty, parents are encouraged to park along both sides of West Street and on the right side of Pleasant Street or Chase Road. We respectfully request that parents who bring their pets to school during arrival or dismissal time keep them a safe distance from other students and clear of our entrance. If it’s not raining or snowing, parents picking up their students should meet them behind the building near the basketball court. In the case of inclement weather, pick up is in the cafeteria. Thank you!

Free/Reduced Lunch:
If you are eligible for this free or reduced lunch, please obtain the form from the District Website and submit it as soon as possible. Please note that parents have to re-apply for this support each year.

From the Health Office:
Please be sure to report any injuries (especially if requiring a brace, splint, cast or crutches) or any concussions need to be reported to the Health Office by either calling 978-202-1258 or sending Nurse Mosher an email at mmosher@concordps.org.  Nurse Mosher will work with your child’s teacher and PE teacher to ensure their safety while at school.  Please submit a doctor’s note for any activity change or other accommodations required.    Thank you!

Upcoming Events:
9/27  PTG Meeting, 9:00AM, Cafeteria
10/11 Principal and Assistant Principal Coffee, 9:00 AM, Main Office
10/14 Columbus Day:  NO SCHOOL
10/15 Picture Day
10/18-10/25  Book Fair
10/18 Book Fair Family Night