Miles for Smiles 2020

The Miles for Smiles 2020 Challenge!

Download this calendar

Hey There Thoreau School!

This month we will be starting something new.  I will be sending a calendar (some of you already downloaded it last week) so that we can track our exercise.  Let’s try to exercise at least every other day. I know some of you will exercise every day! Every time you exercise put a smile on the calendar for that day.  Kindergarten and 1st grade students should exercise for 10 minutes to get a smile. 2nd & 3rd graders should exercise for 15 minutes to get a smile. 4th and 5th graders should exercise 20 minutes to get a smile.  Any type of physical activity counts. Walking the dog, playing catch outside with a family member, jumping rope, doing yoga, and dribbling a ball are all great examples of exercise. I have also listed other activities on the calendar.  Make sure you also check my virtual school day activities and I will give you new dances, games, challenges and workouts you can do every week. Every time you exercise you earn a smile and every smile will equal 1 mile. If you email me at I will track all of our miles and we can see how far we get!