Things to Know


Children should not arrive before 8:45. Supervision is not available.
Please sign your child in at the office when arriving late to school.
Please send a dated note or call the office if your child is being picked up.
Please go to the office to sign your child out for early dismissal.
Please let me know if you take your child from the dismissal line.      


We have snack every morning and an optional afternoon snack.
Please send a healthy snack every day with a reusable spoon/fork if needed.
'Think Thoreauly Green' when packing snacks (ex. reusable containers).
**We have a peanut and tree nut-free classroom.


We have recess every afternoon.
Please dress your child appropriately for the weather each day.
Please send snowpants and boots for winter play.


Your child works hard in the classroom every day. Homework assignments are not meant to be lengthy, but are intended to reinforce classroom learning activities. Keeping that in mind, we believe unstructured play time and reading each night are also important.
Homework will be assigned most nights, Monday-Thursday.
Please encourage your child to accept the responsibility for completing and returning homework assignments.
You can help your child develop good study habits by providing a quiet environment.
**Please send a note if your child is not able to complete an assignment.
**If you find you are struggling with your child over homework, please let me know.

Music   - Monday - At times, students will need to bring their recorders to and from school..
Library - Tuesday - Please remember to return books on time.
PE - Wednesday - Please wear or bring sneakers.
Art - Thursday - Please remember to wear clothes suitable for creating art.


Birthdays are acknowledged but please do not send food.